EYP SCAP launches OptiMill®, a new system for cement mill optimization

The division of Industry & Energy of EYP SCAP has recently launched a new Optimization product called OptiMill® which is already being successfully implemented in the plant that the Group CIMPOR possesses in the city of Niebla, in Huelva (Spain).
OptiMill® has been developed under WinCC and can run on both Siemens and Schneider PLC's, and it´s integrated into the Automation and Control SCADA that controls the mill.
The system, in addition to controlling the processes taking place in the mill, such as starting, scale control, mill load or quality of the cement, is able to optimize all of them through adaptive predictive models, obtaining production improvements up to 8%.
EYP SCAP is a leader in solutions for Process Control, Automation and Optimization applied to the cement industry, with registered patents and national and international references.